Easy Access System Project OU (EAS Project OU) located at Mustamäe tee 50, 10621 Tallinn, Estonia and its subsidiaries (collectively – the Company) is responsible for the processing of personal data as stated in this privacy policy.

Personal data we can process
The Company processes personal data of users of our solutions or website visitors. The information is provided to us by the person themselves or by a reputable 3rd party adhering to the GDPR regulation. Personal data we may process:
When you visit our website or use our SaaS solution:

  • IP address
  • Information about your activities on our website
  • Internet Browser and device type
  • In case of a contact request
  • First and last name
  • Email Address

For customs procedures: 

  • Delivery address 
  • Personal identifier such as social security number when required 

The personal data will be stored for a maximum of 5 years after your visit or use of the solution unless otherwise required by applicable legislation

The Company does not collect/share or otherwise process any personal data that is not directly required by the scope of provided business services.  

For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data?
The Company processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Send our newsletter
  • To be able to call or e-mail you if this is necessary in order to be able to perform our services
  • Inform you about changes in our services and products
  • In order to be able to execute our services
  • The Company analyses your behaviour on the website in order to improve the website and tailor the range of products and services to your preferences
  • The Company also processes personal data if we are legally obligated to do so, such as the data we need for our taxes
  • The Company processes data for customs procedures

Sharing of personal data with third parties
The Company will share your personal data with third parties if this is necessary for the performance of the agreement and in order to comply with any legal obligation and customs processes. With companies that process your data on our behalf, we enter into a processing agreement to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. The Company shall remain responsible for these processing operations.

Viewing, modifying, or deleting data
You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by The Company, and you have the right to data transferability. You can send a request for access, correction, deletion, or data transfer of your personal data or for the withdrawal of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to info@easproject.com

Data required by ongoing customs processes cannot be deleted or amended before the delivery process has been completed. The Company complies with legislation which can require storage of some personal data for legal and fiscal related reasons Thus in case when a request for deletion of personal data is made, the Company may still retain data for legal compliance needs. If such a decision is made upon the request on deletion of personal data, the Company will notify you about the reasons to keep personal data. 

In order to be sure that the request for inspection has been made by you, we ask you to send us a copy of your identity document with the request. In this copy, make sure that your photograph, document ID number, and Social Security number are visible. We will respond to your request as soon as possible but no later than within six weeks from the date of the request. 

The Company would also like to point out to you that you have the opportunity to lodge a complaint with the Finnish national supervisory authority, the Personal Data Authority. You can do this via the following link: https://tietosuoja.fi/etusivu. Where applicable other EU countries national supervisory authorities can be contacted in case that the Company operates in these countries.  

How we protect personal data
The Company takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, and unauthorized alteration. 

All customs procedure related personal data is managed in the CRCD blockchain and thus subjected to practical anonymization and is not available to any unauthorized third party even within the blockchain. Non-customs procedure related data is managed by the Company in accordance with internal regulations and the best practices based on applicable legislation. 
If you have the impression that your data is not secure or there are indications of misuse, please contact us at info@easproject.com.

This Privacy Notice represents the Company’s internal regulation which is reviewed regularly to make sure we continue to meet the highest standards to protect your privacy. We reserve the right at all times to update, modify or amend this notice and the underlying internal regulations. The latest version of this notice can be accessed through the home page on our corporate website.